Sunday, December 7, 2008

Prayers Please

Our home is constantly filled with laughter, giggles, and just all around rowdiness! I, usually being the ringleader of the chaos, love it! In case you might not have known, Josh and I have been trying for 8 months to add to the chaos. Unfortunately, I am not expecting. I am on my first round of infertility medication to change that. This has definitely been a trial on my heart. I don't know who is going to read this, but I just ask that you take a quick second to say a quick prayer for our family. I have always wanted a large family, and sometimes I get down because I wanted Parker Joe to have a sibling close in age. A dear friend of mine told me, God's delay isn't God's denial. Those words have comforted me day in and day out. I want to experience the miracle of creating a life so badly, and I know that prayer can change that. Our Lord tells us to ask and it shall be given unto you, and believe me, I've asked. Now, I am humbly asking you to send a prayer up to our Lord on our behalf.

Have a beautiful and blessed day,

The Wilsons

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